All of life and all of nature is comprised of some unique combination of fire, earth, water and air. A tiny seed germinates and bursts forth, pushed by the fire within it. It grows from the rich earth, nourished by water and sunlight and the air around it, and becomes part of the rich kaleidoscope of earth’s flora.

The four elements are thus interwoven, forming and feeding the cycle of life. When we work intentionally with the four elements, we step into an ancient awareness of our world and access new language and tools for healing. 

Learn more about this framework of nature-based healing in the book From the Depths of Creation: A Nature-Based Path to Healing

  • FIRE corresponds to the passion, creativity, and movement that propels us through life and helps us bring our unique dreams and gifts to the world.
  • EARTH is the domain of physical form, where everything manifests according to the laws of physics and the continual cycles of life and death.
  • WATER represents our emotions – free flowing like the river or vast as the ocean – that lead to our relationships meandering or flourishing.
  • AIR is our consciousness, the space of ideas and understanding, where we can ultimately find illumination.

The cycle of life begins in fire with the spark, and runs its course through the energies of earth, water, and air, moving to the next level as we expand our consciousness. For example an idea occurs to us (the spark) which we feed with continued reflection and planning (fire) and then bring it into being (earth), work through the emotions that arise as part of its manifestation (water) and finally gain new insights and understanding (air). Then the cycle starts anew, from a higher place of awareness.

As we move through this cycle many of us find ourselves getting stuck in one or more aspects of fire, earth, water or air – creating blockages that can manifest in our relationships, health, work or other domains of life.

Healing comes when we are in balance with the four elements and the flow of life. When we let the fire of creativity flow effortlessly through us, happily do the mundane daily work of the physical world, allow our emotions to find natural expression, and seek to continually expand our understanding or consciousness, life manifests positively around us.

At Ewassa we work with four energies in each of Fire, Earth, Water and Air, to bring awareness to the areas where we’re stuck, and shift or release old patterns. Each of the sixteen total energies of the life cycle play an important role in our reflection and healing.

Four Elements Workshops

To experience the healing power of the four elements firsthand, contact us to schedule a private session or ceremony, or join us for public workshops, classes or ceremonies found on our events page.

Four Elements Meditations

We’ve also created a series of short meditations with Fire, Earth, Water and Air so that you can begin to experience how the elements relate to your inner world. There is also a slightly longer meditation that can be done on a daily basis to bring awareness to the ways in which the elements move through you and how your relationship to them can change over time. This series is a starting point for building a relationship with the elements at a personal level.

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