WATER corresponds to the domain of our emotions. They might emerge like the source of the tiny stream who gently pushes out of the earth, or headwaters that burst forth with potency.

Our feelings can flow freely like the river, or at the other extreme, be stifled and fester in a stagnant pond. Eventually the waters find their way to the ocean, a vast and profound space where they churn in the depths and are eventually reborn. As water rises into mist and evaporates, the lessons we’ve learned integrate into our understanding of life.

Releasing emotional blockages helps the positive feelings flow more naturally, like the sweet waters of the river. Rituals for emotional cleansing in the river, waterfall and ocean are powerfully transformative, helping to refresh our emotional well and purify our energy field.

The Cycle of Water

We work with the Cycle of Water to help purify our hearts and cleanse our emotions, engaging the following energies:

  • Forgiveness. Like the rain or gentle spring that begins to soften the hard, dry, earth, and open the heart, consciously choosing to forgive is a powerful act that helps soften old wounds and welcome love into your life.
  • Loving Tenderness. As the stream gathers strength it becomes a strong, flowing river. The quality of loving tenderness and beauty here is strong and powerful–life  flourishes when the sweet waters of love are present.
  • Rebirth. The river then flows to the sea, where the waters and everything they swept up in their path churn together to create something new. The fertile salty waters of the ocean give way to new life, in a process of emotional rebirth.
  • Acceptance. As we internalize the wisdom of our journey through Water, the denser parts of our experience return to the earth while the gems of understanding lift into our consciousness. We stop resisting what has happened, choosing instead to accept what life has placed before us and release the painful aspects of our experience. The waters thus complete their cycle by evaporating into the Air through the mist.

Would you like to experience emotional healing while working with the energies of Water? Contact us to schedule a one-on-one energy medicine session, private water ceremony, or join us for a public ritual of release at the river.