Our group events, ceremonies, and retreats offer safe spaces to come together in community around shared interests. We encourage participants to speak from the heart, honor your life experiences (no matter how painful they may have been), and support one another in a shared quest for deeper connection and compassion.

Guided by shamanic energy medicine and elemental healing practices, these supportive healing circles are places to learn together, share insights, heal together, and grow, witnessed by people with similar interests or life experiences. An invaluable collective wisdom emerges from being in a community of caring individuals, that enriches everyone involved.

To enter one of these healing circles, please register for the upcoming Ewassa classes or events that interest you. From there you may join a closed Facebook group for sharing thoughts and helpful resources, and access additional activities and supports via email.


The spaces we’re intentionally creating this year and next focus on four main areas: 

1. Reconnecting to Nature’s Wisdom and Flow

Living in today’s society of concrete and man-made technologies, we are inherently disconnected from nature’s grounding wisdom and flow. We’ve forgotten how to read the signs of nature, embrace the cycles of life, work with nature’s healing energies, and even accept our own unique nature. Our goal with this theme is to reconnect to nature’s vitality in ways that are nourishing and inspiring.

2. Developing Your Spiritual Gifts

We each have the innate capacity to perceive unseen energies, connect with the spiritual realms, and tap into our own deep inner wisdom. Most people simply need some guidance and practice to hone these gifts. For those interested in this theme we offer tools and techniques to deepen into your gifts including guided meditations, shamanic journeys, support getting to know your spirit guides, and more. 

3. Mothering Support

Being a mother in today’s society can be challenging. There are unrealistic demands on our time and few support systems, leaving many moms feeling exhausted and depleted. In this healing circle we’ll practice creating healthy energetic boundaries, maintaining our core power and sense of self, and parenting from a soul perspective. We’ll delve into healing generational traumas to limit what we transmit to the next generation, and practice forms of self-care that enable us to remain strong and thrive while we give of ourselves to our children. 

4. Healing from Sexual Abuse

This safe space is for women who have experienced sexual abuse or assault in childhood or early adulthood. Such violations can leave deep energetic imprints and cause a fracturing of parts of self, along with surpressed and hidden emotions that long for expression. In this circle we’ll focus on healing the energetic and emotional impacts of sexual violation, and re-integration of the affected parts of self. Our goal is to feel safe, whole, and strong again, through a process of release, re-integration and symbolic rebirth. Due to the highly vulnerable and intimate nature of sexual abuse, this space is reserved for women only.

We’ll continue to add new events, courses, and retreats to our calendar. Please join our email list and follow us on Facebook or Instagram to learn about new offerings. 
